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June 1994


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"John G. Thomas" <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Jun 1994 18:29:48 -0700
text/plain (21 lines)
On Thu, 9 Jun 1994, Abigail Miriam Feder wrote:
>  *Star Wars* films, one CD for each film and a 4th of unreleased music.  A
>  friend of mine remembers the original release of the *Star Wars* music being
>  two full CDs and is curious if anyone knows if the new set is the same amount
>  of music crammed into one CD or just highlights.
        Yes, there is a set out there as you said.  A friend of mine at
works at Arista Records gave me a copy of it.  The fourth disk includes
tracks not used in any of the films.  The other disks include alternate
takes as well as the takes that were used.   The set also contains an
interesting booklet about the music recodrings written by film music
composers and music critics.  An interesting bonus is the addition of the
20thFox Cinemascope fanfare.  I've toyed with the idea of playing it in
the mornings instead of drinking so much coffee!  I think Alfred Neuman
composed that piece in the early 50's.
-------->from John G. Thomas([log in to unmask])in Hollywierd,Calif.<---------