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June 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sandy Dwiggins <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 3 Jun 1994 16:31:55 EDT
from "David Desser" at Jun 2, 94 2:21 pm
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
My point exactly...have you seen the latest Schepisi...since he went
Hollywood?.....these wonderful Australian nationals are no longer
Australian...they are somewhere and is Bill Forsyth...
and others. is there a National cinema anymore in any country?
> >(My memory ls going with my age...but...there wa
> >>s  Gregory's Girl...I loved that film!...Tight little island...
> >>Local Hero...."  What happened to Bill _______(can't remember hsi
> >>name).  And look what happened to Peter Wier and Fred Scheppsis?
> >>Sandy
> >-------+
> >Sandy--
> >As long as I'm in reference mode:
> >
> >GREGORY'S GIRL and LOCAL HERO were made by Bill Forsyth, a Scottish
> >director.  What happened to him?  He just made BEING HUMAN, starring Robin
> >Williams, and it's getting very bad reviews.
> >--Richard
> And as long as we're all in a reference mode, please recall that Peter Weir
> (spelling) and Fred Schepisi(spelling) are both Australians, though
> Schepisi's first non-Australian film, _Plenty-, was made in Britain (but
> starred Meryl Streep doing a British accent!)  The point is not to be too
> didactic, or worse, but certainly in this day and age, to question the
> notion of "national" cinema on a very practical level.
> DD
> _____________________________________
> David Desser, Cinema Studies
> 2109 FLB
> 244-2705
+  Sandy Dwiggins               Internet: [log in to unmask]        +
+  Building 82, Room 111        Phone: (301) 496-7406                    +
+  Bethesda, Maryland 20892     Fax:   (301) 480-8105                    +