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May 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Patrick B Bjork <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 May 1994 14:36:37 -0500
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Thanks David, Tom Courtney it is, and a great performance. One more
choice for BOF-S:  I've always liked _Turtle  Diary_ which stars, I
think, Ben Kingsley and Glenda Jackson. Nothing much happens in this
film and, after frequently feeling assaulted by the usual Hollywood fare,
I suppose that's why I  like it. Just a little story with little humans
doing their little human things. It kind of makes me feel, well. . . human.
Patrick Bjork
Bismarck State College
[log in to unmask]
On Thu, 12 May 1994, David Desser wrote:
> >On Tue, 10 May 1994, John G. Thomas wrote:
> >
> >>         For me, I would HAVE to include "Once Upon a Time in the West."  A
> >> "text book" of masterful filmmaking from Sergio Leoni who "out-Ford-ed",
> >> Ford in making a western.
> >>
> >>
> >>                                 J. Thomas
> >>
> >
> >_Once Upon a Time in the West_ is an overlooked film? Well. . .OK. My
> >choice is a little film called _The Dresser_ which stars Albert Finney as
> >a frayed at the edges Shakespearian actor touring England during WWII.
> >It's a kind of self-reflexive exercise that juxtaposes art with "reality"
> >underscoring the occasional futility of both. I can't remember the name
> >of the actor who stars with Finney but both are superb.
> >
> >Patrick Bjork
> >Bismarck State College
> >[log in to unmask]
> Patrick is certainly right!  Once Upon a Time in the West is far from
> overlooked.  And while The Dresser is probably justifiably overlooked (and
> not to be confused with my last name!) it costarred Tom Courtney.
> DD
> _____________________________________
> David Desser, Cinema Studies
> 2109 FLB
> 244-2705