On Tue, 10 May 1994, John G. Thomas wrote:
> For me, I would HAVE to include "Once Upon a Time in the West." A
> "text book" of masterful filmmaking from Sergio Leoni who "out-Ford-ed", John
> Ford in making a western.
> J. Thomas
_Once Upon a Time in the West_ is an overlooked film? Well. . .OK. My
choice is a little film called _The Dresser_ which stars Albert Finney as
a frayed at the edges Shakespearian actor touring England during WWII.
It's a kind of self-reflexive exercise that juxtaposes art with "reality"
underscoring the occasional futility of both. I can't remember the name
of the actor who stars with Finney but both are superb.
Patrick Bjork
Bismarck State College
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