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Since I'm not a subscriber to screen-l, I'll apologize in advance for any
redundancies that follow. In the proposed continuum, the mods/rockers=punks
equation is problematic. (Perhaps a group rereading of Dick Hebdige's sub-
cultures is in order.) Educating Rita as a stop point is an intriguing
choice,in the questions it raises. Where do the fashion statements of
late 20 & 30's somethings in the working class fit into discussions of
youth culture? Is punk as an issue of fashion/insignia the same as
punk as an attitude/state of mind (one hesitates to utter the word
philosophy)? But aren't both movies selected English productions?
Where does Hollywood cooption get in the picture? Regardless, this
continuum is an odd one since neither film mentioned has much to wit
h punk. But if they did, the continuum could run much further in either direc-
tion. Clockwork Orange springs to mind, as does 1959's Beat Generation, althoug
h it could run as far back as the exploitation movies of the 30's (remember all
those wild eyed, reefer puffing musicians?). In the opposite direction, it's
probably still going on. My Private Idaho, Repo Man, Jubilee, River's Edge, and
most self-consciously punk of all, Alex Cox's Walker, a Last Movie
for the 80s that pushes punk into the Brecht Dimension.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I'll close with the words of Veda Pierce to her mom,
the venerable Mildred (I'm sorry to say I don't think this is in the movie):
"I thought I was a prodigy, but I was just another punk."
see ya
mike breiner
burlington, vt.
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