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SCREEN-L Archives

March 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Mar 1993 19:23:33 CST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
    It was two years ago today (15 March) that SCREEN-L first toddled onto
    the nets.
    Since that time we've seen a host of stimulating discussions on diverse
    topics such as fan culture, media activism, and that hoary classic,
    realism.  We've also seen reference questions answered and resources
    provided (as I can personally attest; when I was desperate to track
    down a DESIGNING WOMEN videotape, a SCREEN-Litarian shipped it to
    me post haste).
    And we've seen how folks with a common interest can >connect< over
    computer networks and help to sustain one another in a variety of ways.
    (Geez, am I already starting to get nostalgic and romanticize
    SCREEN-L?  Ah well, what do you expect from a guy who wrote his
    dissertation on IMITATION OF LIFE, >both< versions?)
    We've accomplished this with a minimum of acrimonious flammage and just
    a few technological snafus.  (Fortunately, SCREEN-L was rather small
    when a glitch in an Australian address sent 80 copies of the same error
    message to every subscriber.  This was someone that I had added
    manually, which, incidently, explains why I always have folks add
    themselves now.)
    So, I'd like to take this opportunity to say thanks!  Thanks to the
    professors, film/video makers, students, media librarians, and all the
    others intrigued/obsessed with film/TV that make up SCREEN-L's
    multi-faceted constituency.  Without your participation this would be
    an empty enterprise.
    See you on the nets!
| Jeremy Butler                                                          |
| SCREEN-L Coordinator                     [log in to unmask] |
| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |