Mon, 2 Mar 1992 16:28:19 CST
Columbia University in the City of New York º New York, N.Y. 10027
School of the Arts
Office of the Dean
February 21, 1992
To: The membership of the Society for Cinema Studies
From: Peter Smith, Dean
Two full-time positions in history/theory/criticism, one as ASSISTANT
PROFESSOR and the other as PROFESSOR, are available at Columbia Univ-
ersity beginning fall 1992.
The Assistant Professor position will require specialization in some
aspect of European cinema AND the ability to teach in the production
concentration of the Division. The Professor position is open as to
specialization but a substantial record of publications and signifi-
cant professional activity is essential. Exceptional teaching abili-
ty will be sought in both appointment; both will involve undergraduate
and graduate (MFA & PhD) courses. The tenure status of these positions
is the subject of current discussion, and will be submitted before
offers are made.
Applications must be submitted before MARCH 31, 1992, and must include
full resume and five reference names and addresses. Women and minori-
ties are encouraged to apply. Address applications to FILM SEARCH, 501
Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY, 10027. Columbia Univer-
sity is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.