Video projection
Tue, 2 Dec 1997 21:36:14 -0500
Don Larsson wrote:
>It's not just boom mikes. If you watch the videotape of NORTH BY
>NORTHWEST on a video projector, or if the masking on a 16mm. flat print
>isn't quite right, you'll see the tops of the cutaway taxicabs in New
>York and the cycloramas used for background in several scenes (eg., the
>reunion scene near Mt. Rushmore). Then compare the letterboxed
>laserdisc version. It's a useful classroom example!
Can Don and/or anyone else explain why this would happen with a video
projector? Is more of the frame visible when using a projector than when
running a tape on a TV? Curious since I use a video projector for my film
and lit classes.
Renee Pigeon
Dept. of English
CSU San Bernardino
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