Leaving Screen-L For the Summer?
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 07:51:59 -0500
As the academic year winds up and you start making summer plans, don't
forget to sign off Screen-L if you'll be out of contact with your e-mail
account for a long period of time.
And before you set up an "auto-responder" (software that automatically
responds to received messages with an "I'm on vacation" message), sign off
all e-mail lists or your auto-response will be sent to them. This does not
amuse most list members.
To sign off Screen-L, send e-mail to [log in to unmask] (please note,
this is NOT the address to which you send Screen-L messages) and put the
following in the body of the message:
signoff Screen-L
To rejoin Screen-L later, repeat the above procedure with this text:
subscribe Screen-L YourName
Replace "YourName" with you human name, not your e-mail account. For example,
subscribe Screen-L Dorothy Arzner
Any questions or problems, please contact me.
Jeremy Butler
Screen-L Coordinator
[log in to unmask]
ScreenSite http://www.tcf.ua.edu/ScreenSite
Telecommunication & Film/University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: http://www.tcf.ua.edu