OLYMPIA running time
Wed, 15 Nov 1995 18:14:10 EST
According to the filmography prepared by Herbert Linder for FILMKRITIK
No. 188(August 1972) FEST DER VOELKER (FESTIVAL OF NATIONS) was 3269
meters or 120 minutes while Part 2, FEST DER SCHOENEIT (FESTIVAL OF
BEAUTY) was 2712 meters long or 105 minutes. Renata Berg-Pan in her
book, Leni Riefenstahl, agrees.
Taylor Downing in his BFI Classics OLYMPIA puts the length at 19,608
feet for both parts with a total running time of 218 minutes. I expect
that he is speaking of the English language version.
While from the David Culbert microfilm "TOTW" in what appear to be vault
inventory sheets. On the line marked "Zensur/FSK" is writen "M 4.38" and
"3429" 3429 would seem to be the original length. On the sheets for Part
two is typed after Zensur 11.4.1938 = 2722 m staatspolitisch
u.kunstl.wervoll. So I expect that the original length was, Part 1 at
3429 meters and Part 2 at 2722 meters. Although these may be printing
lengths not program lengths.
Hope this helps,
[log in to unmask]
Smithsonian Institution
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