CFP (Multiple Areas) Film & History (11/1/09; 11/10-14/10)
Sat, 1 Aug 2009 11:10:21 -0400
Call for Papers
2010 Film & History Conference: Representations of Love in Film and Television
November 10-14, 2010
Hyatt Regency Milwaukee
First Round Deadline: November 1, 2009
The Center for the Study of Film and History is pleased to invite paper, panel, workshop, and roundtable proposals in multiple areas, for its 2010 Conference: "Representations of Love in Film and Television."
This conference will look at how love - as psychology, as dramatic principle, as historical agent, as cultural stage, as ethical standard - has been represented in film and television. How has the depiction of love defined a society or a period? Which people -- or institutions or ideas or animals - have been promoted as subjects (or objects) of love, and which ones have not? In what ways do we love or not love because of film and television? How has the screen represented the love of country, the love of one's neighbor, the love of God, or the love of family? How has it represented the repudiation or reformulation of love, and what are the historical ramifications?
Questions about the nature of love define not just couples or parents and their children but whole communities and nations, shaping their religions, their economic policies, their media programming, their social values, their most powerful fears and ambitions. Love in each era defines the struggles worth enduring and the stories worth telling, from Gone With the Wind and Casablanca to Hamlet and Cleopatra, from The Jazz Singer and The Sound of Music to The Graduate and Boogie Nights, from Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and The Ten Commandments to Easy Rider and The Right Stuff, from The 400 Blows and Life Is Beautiful to Amelie and Muriel's Wedding. This conference will examine the aesthetic representations of love on screen and will assess their historical, cultural, and philosophical implications.
While new areas are being added daily, those currently seeking submissions are listed below. Each area's full call for papers may be found by following the "Areas and Contact Information" link on the Film & History website ( Proposals for additional areas continue to be welcome, as well, and may be directed to Cynthia Miller, Director of Communications ([log in to unmask]).
Agape: Faith, God, Mission
America's Love Affair with Movie Gangsters
L'Amour Noir: Fear and Danger in Romance
An American Bromance: Homosocial Love in Film and Television
Jane Austen in Film and History
Jewish-Gentile Romances: From Abie to Zohan
Love (Early) American Style: Love and Lust in Films About Early U.S. History
Love and Commitment in the Fraternity/Sorority Film
Love in a Time of War
Love, Marriage, and a Baby Carriage: Bonding and Parenthood in Film and Television
Love and Violence: Action Heroes
Lovers on the Side: Tramps and Rogues in Film and History
Lust in Space: Love in Science Fiction Film and Television
Performing Love/Loving Performance: Broadway Musical Motifs in Cinema and Television
Pro Patria Mori: Patriotism in Film and Television
Sex and Love in Asian Contexts
Vampire Love
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