Spectator CFP: The System Beyond the Studios
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 15:59:37 -0500
Spectator Call for Papers
The System Beyond the Studios
37.2 (Fall 2018)
While the field of media industry studies has greatly expanded in the last decade, the paradigm by which we frame classical Hollywood cinema is largely unchanged from the portrait of vertically-integrated studios offered by scholars such as Balio, Schatz, Gomery, and Jewell in decades past. While this model is still highly relevant, this issue of Spectator seeks to expand the portrait of Hollywood beyond the big five and little three studios and their control of motion picture production, distribution, and exhibition. This issue will consider the Hollywood studio system as a network of interconnected businesses, interests, and individuals focusing on the intellectual, technical, creative, and economic labor happening both inside and outside of the studio spaces themselves. It asks us to think about the various structures and networks that bolstered the system and allowed it to function for decades. By shifting focus from vertically-integrated studios to interlocked networks of commerce, innovation, and creativity, the landscape of Hollywood is transformed from an isolated enclave into an industrial cluster integrated into the larger American economy and history. By the very nature of this issue as thinking “beyond” the frameworks we know, the concept of the studio system is conceived broadly in terms of methodologies, perspectives, and periods though we especially seek papers that engage with media industry studies and the classical Hollywood era (defined by Bordwell, Thompson, and Staiger as 1915-1960). We seek book reviews in this area as well.
Submissions that address the above topics in the following areas are now invited for submission:
• Independent/race film producers, distributors and exhibitors
• Production of animation, newsreels, and experimental film
• Relations between Hollywood and foreign producers, distributors and exhibitors
• Motion picture technology and technique
• Labor and trade organizations
• Trade regulation and policy
• Trade publications and magazines
• Motion picture service firms and businesses
• Under-studied factors that contributed to the downfall of the studio system
• Less well-known forms of motion picture labor
• Financial laborers such as agents, managers, investors, accountants, and producers
• Location shooting and its environmental impact
The issue will also include a roundtable discussion on innovative approaches to studying Hollywood. Participants include Chris Cagle, Emily Carmen, Mark Garrett Cooper, Kate Fortmueller, Eric Hoyt, Denise McKenna, Ross Melnick, and Shelley Stamp.
Deadline for Submission: November 18, 2017
Spectator is a biannual publication of USC’s Cinema and Media Studies department. Articles submitted to Spectator should not be under consideration by any other journal.
Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be sent to:
Luci Marzola, Issue Editor
The Bryan Singer Division of Cinema and Media Studies
School of Cinematic Arts, Room 320
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Email: [log in to unmask]
Submission Guidelines: Submissions should be e-mailed directly to the editor. Manuscripts should include the title of the contribution and the name(s) of authors, as well as the postal address, e-mail address, and phone numbers for the author who will work with the editor on any revisions. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Contributions should not be more than 5,000 words. They should also include a brief abstract for publicity. Authors should include a brief biographic entry.
Book Reviews may vary in length from 300 to 1,000 words. Please include title of book, retail price and ISBN at the beginning of the review.
Upon acceptance, a format guideline will be forwarded to all contributors as to image and text requirements.
Current Board for Spectator
Founding Editor: Marsha Kinder
Managing Editor: William Whittington
Issue Editor: Luci Marzola
For subscription information email: [log in to unmask]
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