Re: foreign films and the Oscars
Mon, 31 Jan 1994 15:59:02 EST
While we are on the subject of Best Foreign Language Film, can someone
answer a question for me.
First, background. For this category each country can propose one
film from which the Academy chooses five (?) finalists or nominees, one
of which will be chosen as the Best Foreign Language Film.
This year Argentina (through its Institute of Cinematography) proposed
Leonardo Favio's GATICA, EL MONO (GATICA, THE MONKEY), but Favio last week
asked the Institute of Cinematography to withdraw it. The person who
passed this news on to me (via another network) expressed the wish that now
Argentina propose Maria Luisa Bemberg's most recent film DE ESO NO SE HABLA
(YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT), which is an excellent film in both his and my
view. (Bemberg also directed CAMILA and MISS MARY, both of which were
distributed here and are available here on video if anyone is interested
in seeing some of her earlier work. MISS MARY, which has Julie Christie in
the title part is almost entirely in English--with a few subtitles for the
parts in Spanish. CAMILA has subtitles.)
My question: If the Institute of Cinemtagraphy withdraws Favio's film,
can they still propose Bemberg's, or is it too late?
And a second question: Does anyone know whether A PLACE IN THE WORLD,
the Argentine film that was a finlist for the Oscar last year but then got
eliminated because it had been proposed by Uruguay, will be released in
the US? Usually being an Oscar finalist guarantees a foreign film a
release, but a nearly year has passed and I haven't heard anything about a
release. Which is a shame, because A PLACE IN THE WORLD (UN LUGAR EN EL
MUNDO in the original) is an excellent film that US viewers would find very
Currie Thompson