Re: foreign-language films
Thu, 24 Aug 2000 10:50:05 +0300
"Quite disconcerting."
It is interesting to read phrases like this. What is disconcerting for
some may be pleasant for others. Or what is disconcerting today may be
enjoyable tomorrow. Isn't spectatorship is in a sense about
"establishing tolerances and approximations"? (as M. Chion put it). What
is pleasant for me is to see all those diverse practices with thought
provoking implications. I believe the Polish practice
invites a closer look: "one man doing all the voice-overs". Sounds
amazing especially when you know what voice-over means.
Nezih Erdošan
Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
Dept of Graphic Deisgn
Bilkent University 06533
Ankara Turkey
fax: +90 312 266 41 36
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