NEW BOOK: A Companion to German Cinema
Tue, 27 Dec 2011 10:53:55 -0500
Dear friends and colleagues:
We are pleased to announce the publication of our co-edited
collection, A Companion to German Cinema (Wiley-Blackwell 2012). A
description of the collection, including a table of contents and
reviews, is available at:,descCd-tableOfContents.html
The volume is part of Wiley-Blackwell's book series on national
cinemas. It contains 22 newly commissioned essays by well-known
writers as well as up-and-coming scholars who take innovative
critical approaches to both time-honored and emergent areas in the
field, especially concerning race, gender, sexuality, class, and
We hope you will ask your college or university and local public
libraries to purchase the volume. And as always, your comments and
critique are warmly welcome.
Best wishes for 2012,
Terri Ginsberg
Andrea Mensch
Co-editors, A Companion to German Cinema
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite