Film & History: Video of Lawrence Suid, Military and Film Historian
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 11:07:54 EST
The above link takes you to the "War in Film, TV, and History" conference
session where Larry Suid discusses some of the high points of his book
_Guts and Glory: The Making of the American Military in Film_, esp. its
methodology. Suid is a unique and dedicated scholar whose approach must
be considered by any serious student of film. (The presentation is over an
hour in length and you will need video software to access the session.)
The conference was sponsored by The Film and History League along with
the Literature Film Association. We met in Dallas during the second week
of November, 2004. For more on these groups, see the following
web sites:
Film & History at www.
Literature Film Association at _www.
The Suid video is terrific! Both image and sound are clear.
Peter Rollins
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Film & History
_www.filmandhistory.org_ (
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