filmmakers list management
Mon, 25 Jul 1994 10:45:51 EDT
To all serious film and video makers,
Two weeks ago I asked to be taken off the list: "[log in to unmask]" I
received a reply from KLUDGE, whom I imagine is the manager of the list, that
I'd be removed within a few days as it was done it batches, and he had
several hundred pieces of mail to handle every day.
Two weeks later, I'm still receiving 10-15 pieces of mail every day that I've
asked to not be sent anymore.
This is really not necessary. In the first place, I've found the list itself
to not be of that much help in terms of filmmaking. I get the information I
need from the DP's I hire and from the rental houses, etc.
Instead the list (filmmakers) has turned into a nuisance.
Try posting something to it you'll find you get all kinds of "undeliverable"
messages bounced back to you, because the system that the list uses is a
forwarding program that merely duplicates your message, and forwards it WITH
YOUR ADDRESS on it as a sender. So I'm taking a dangerous step by posting
*this* message on it.
It has become a major nuisance. I"m about to go on a shoot and I'm afraid
that when I return I'll find my e-mailbox stuffed with unwanted mail. I've
asked the list manager to please hurry up and delete me ASAP, to no avail.
I'm considering cancelling my account with AOL and open up a new one with a
different address just to stop this crazy thing.
That shouldn't be necessary.
If there was time to answer my original request with a note saying it would
take a while, that time should have been used to actually do it, not to beg
off for more time.
I write all of this as a word of advice to those considering starting their
own lists. If you're not going to it right, don't do it.
Those reading this post from another list (I plan to send copies to other
lists with related subjects, such as screen-l and vidpro-l,) be forewarned:
"[log in to unmask]" is a trap you'll wish you had avoided.