Fri, 22 Jun 2012 13:03:01 -0400
Proposed Panel: East Asian/Japanese Celebrity Cultures
I am looking for presenters for a panel on celebrities and star systems in
East Asian media, with an emphasis on film, television, and advertising.
Potential proposals may focus on film stars, tarento, and/or idoru
production/maintenance networks or on individual personae.
Please contact Colleen Laird ([log in to unmask]), PhD Candidate at the
University of Oregon and Lecturer in Japanese Studies at the University of
North Carolina at Greensboro.
For the sake of panel cohesion, I am particularly interested in papers
related to Japanese media industries (with an eye to contemporary figures),
but I welcome all interested inquiries regardless of geographic
specificity. If there is a strong collection of papers across borders, I
am willing to alter the scope of the panel to accommodate.
Please send me an email with an abstract (250 words max) and a brief bio.
Thank you.
Colleen A. Laird
Lecturer of Japanese Studies
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Ph.D. Candidate (ABD)
Japanese Film and Gender Studies
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
University of Oregon
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