Re: VARIETY film rental report
Wed, 11 May 1994 09:26:25 EDT
On Tue, 10 May 1994 14:30:17 -0700 Shawn Levy said:
>Bear in mind, though, that rentals represent the portion of gross
>boxoffice sales that goes from exhibitors to distributors. In most
>cases, that means roughly 50% of the total b.o. take. So "The Robe" is,
>in the terms that "Entertainment Weekly" reports each Monday evening, the
>first $20-million picture.
VARIETY's summary of rentals is exactly that: the amount of money that
flows to distributors from exhibitors. ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY figures are
the first week-end >box office< receipts. VARIETY also publishes these
in each weekly issues.
Further, the figure "roughly 50% of the total b.o. take" is just that
a rough (very rough) estimate. Overall, the general ratio is closer to
1/3 of box office income flows to distributors as film rental, from
which they take (typically) 30% off the top before anything else
is deducted.
These numbers are all very rough, but for purposes of comparison the
VARIETY numbers are the best available. They can be adjusted for
inflation by other published numbers that track the rate of inflation
for theater tickets (not always the same as general rate of inflation).
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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