Children's Media Culture and Media Education in a Global Context (SCMS 2008)
Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:55:44 -0400
Society for Cinema & Media Studies Conference -
Philadelphia, PA, March 6-9, 2008
Call for workshop participants:
Children's Media Culture and Media Education in a Global Context
Children's media culture is a fast-growing, globally converging
The global aspect of the commercialization of children's media is
routinely acknowledged in recent research; but the majority of writing
continues to focus on the mediated practices of children in economically
and technologically advanced locations. The purpose of this workshop is
twofold: (1) to investigate what the globalization of children's media
culture means in a variety of specific geopolitical contexts, which may
include but are not limited to the US, Japan and Western Europe; (2) and
to compare the creative and pedagogical responses to global
commercialization -- whether they are institutionalized or grassroots --
that have been generated in these contexts. The workshop aims to go
simply juxtaposing nation-states in an international comparison.
While the
nation-state is a legitimate context of discussion, particularly where
children's media and media education are at least partially under state
control, so are cities and regions, but also diasporic and virtual
communities. We welcome brief case studies that discuss conflicts or
negotiations between global children's television, film, digital and
media, advertising across platforms, etc., and efforts to make sense of,
control, censor, subvert or adapt global children's media in various
contexts. The ultimate goal is to create a forum for identifying and
discussing both shared, "global" themes and issues that are specific to
certain contexts and cases; and for sharing resources for research,
pedagogical strategies, and the seeds of continuing collaborations.
Please send Anikó Imre a short statement of your potential contribution:
[log in to unmask] Queries also welcome.
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite