Extended Search
Fri, 10 Oct 1997 12:38:26 CDT
Position: Director, School of Film; Associate/Full Professor,
Tenure Track
Available: July 1, 1998
Salary: The salary is highly competitive with excellent benefits
Responsibility: The Director reports to the Dean, College of Fine
Arts and is responsible for leadership, management and administration
of the many facets of the School of Film and its programs. Teach in
areas of interests/expertise
Qualifications: Demonstrated administrative leadership; experience
in higher education; terminal degree or equivalent professional
experience suitable to M.F.A. and M.A. programs in Film.
School of Film: The School of Film enrolls 50 graduate students in
its M.F.A. and M.A. programs with a sizable percentage of international
students. The school has been awarded several grants including an
Eminent Scholar position in Film. The School of Film sponsors WIDE
ANGEL and Ohio University Film conference. Associated with the
School of Film is the Athens Centre for film and Video and the
Institute for Motion Picture Development.
Institution and Setting: Ohio University is a state-assisted
residential Research II university. Chartered in 1804, it is the
oldest university in the Northwest Territory. Enrollment on the
Athens Campus is currently 19,700 students with another 8,200
students on five regional campuses. The College of Fine Arts
consists of six schools: Art, Comparative Arts, Dance, Film,
Music and Theatre. Further information on the School of Film and
Ohio University is available at the university web site:
Application Process: Applicants must submit 1) a letter of
application; 2) a vita; and 3) names, address, and telephone numbers
of five references.
Please send above information to:
Dr. Marilyn Bradshaw, Associate Dean
College of Fine Arts- Ohio University
Jennings House
54 East Union Street
Athens, OH 45701
Application Deadline: December 15, 1997
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