Re: The past and seminars
Wed, 19 Jan 1994 12:36:16 CST
In Message Tue, 18 Jan 1994 13:20:35 -0400,
"Gloria Monti GD 1995" <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> John:
> Don't apologize. I think this line of conversation is very
>informative. I am not clear on the history that people accept, though.
>Who are these people? I had a student tell me the other day that I
>recruit students (for a seminar committee that I chair) on the basis of
>affirmative action rather than on the basis of individual merit. Now, have
>*these* people accepted history, do you think? Isn't this enough fact
>based information?
The history that people accept, the one I was talking about, is the history
of poor treatment certain cultures have received in the past in the south.
If, while choosing people for seminar, you take their race or culture into
account, then the students do have a valid claim. I don't understand the
quesitons you are asking at the end, and I don't know what your seminar is
about. At my school, you don't have to apply to a seminar. It is a first
come first serve basis, and I don't know what makes your seminar different
that allows you to be selective. Tell me about your seminar please
> Gloria Monti
> Yale University