CFP: Girls' media panel at SCMS
Thu, 26 Aug 2004 10:38:11 -0500
I would like to propose a panel for next year's Society for Cinema
and Media Studies conference on "New Directions in Girls' Media
Studies," and am looking for a few more participants due to some last
minute cancellations. My idea for the panel is that papers would
expand the field of girls' media studies by addressing either girls'
media texts which have received little scholarly attention
(especially historical texts), or utilize approaches not dominant
within girls' media studies (e.g., reception studies, industrial
studies, transnational studies). I'm open to other ideas for the
panel, however.
Those interested in proposing a paper for this panel should contact
me directly at [log in to unmask] no later than Friday,
September 10, 2005.
Please note that paper proposals require the completion of the SCMS
Standard Abstract Form (click on the "open call" link), as well as a
brief proposal, bibiliography, and biography. The form is available
at the SCMS website at:
Other information about the conference and SCMS membership can be
accessed via the website also:
All the best,
Mary Celeste Kearney
Assistant Professor
Department of Radio-Television-Film
The University of Texas at Austin
1 University Station A0800
Austin, TX 78712-0108
Office: 512-475-8648
Fax: 512-471-4077
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