Re: Help: Bruce Conner on tape/laser disc
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 16:16:22 -0500
FACETS has a tape titled "Bruce Conner Films" which includes "A Movie."
On Thu, 23 Jan 1997, Michael A. Arnzen wrote:
> We show Bruce Conner's _A Movie_ in our Film History course at the
> Univ. of Oregon, but we'd like to acquire Conner's work on video or
> laser disc and have had difficulties tracking it down in the usual
> catalogs. Is it only available on film? Can anyone help us out?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Michael A. Arnzen * Dept of English * University of Oregon
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "The eye sizes it up, flags it down,
> demands credentials, waves it on."
> -- Walker Percy, THE MOVIEGOER
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ----
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