Re: laff tracks
Tue, 19 Apr 1994 23:27:32 EDT
On Mon, 18 Apr 1994 12:30:57 -0400 Ashley Lindsay Salisbury said:
>I am looking for any resources on the laugh track for a research project.
>If anyone knows anything about the history, current use, etc., or would like
You might already know Ron Rosenbaum's article, "Kanned Laughter,"
originally published in Esquire, 1975, and reprinted in James Monaco's
anthology, Media Culture (NY: Delta, 1978).
Personally, I think one of the tremendous values of a resource like
Screen-L is the possibility of casting a net for resources as far as
possible. When faced with request like this one, however, I wish I
had some idea of the research that's already been done. I'd like to
feel I was adding to a bibliography, not starting one when the
resources to build a basic reading list are (in most cases) readily
Blaine Allan [log in to unmask]
Film Studies
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L 3N6