Thu, 29 Aug 1996 20:14:16 -0600
>I'm just starting out on an obsession with the work of Zhang Yimou and Chen
>Kaige, and need a little help on their filmographies. Namely: are there
>any Yimou films AFTER "Red Sorghum" and BEFORE "Ju Dou"? Similarly, are
>there any Kaige films between "Farewell My Concubine" and "Temptress Moon"?
Dear Andy,
Your best bet is to try and find the book _Perspectives on Chinese
Cinema_ edited by Chris Berry--2nd edition in 1991. It has a dozen good
intro articles on the so-called Fifth Generation of Chinese filmmakers like
Yimou and Kaige plus some translated documents and a list of 16 directors
and their filmmographies. Yimou was a cinematographer (on 5 films,
including Kaige's Yellow Earth and Big Parade) before he became a director.
In 1988 Yimou made Code Name Puma between Red Sorghum and Judou.
George Semsel et al have edited a couple of books--Chinese Film
Theory: A Guide to the New Era (1993) and Films in Contemporary China
(1990) both pub'd by Praeger. Tony Rayns has written The New Chinese
Cinema:An Introduction (1989__Faber). And Paul Clark has a slightly older
book (1987) called Chinese Cinema: Culture and Politics Since 1949. I
understand that he is also preparing a new book on these "Fifth
Generation" filmmakers.
Gene Walz
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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