(Fwd) audience research
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 10:20:40 CDT
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From: Drew McElligott <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: audience research
Date: 4 Dec 1995 10:13:48 GMT
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To anyone willing to help, I am doing some "small-time" research
on film audiences. I've been reading some things from Bruce Austin
but the only things that I've been able to get my hands on are
outdated. I'm wondering if anyone can lead me to some recent
info/research on audiences (movie theater audiences.) I haven't
focused my research yet on any particular aspect which is why I'd
like to know what is out there now, what has been or is being done
as far as research, surveys, etc., anything pert. to
audiences, their motivations, expectations, reactions, etc.- but
please, no CNN polls...
Lastly, I want to get accurate, up-to-date statistics
on attendance at the theaters. I don't need box-office $$$
figures (I can find that on the front page of the newspaper), I
need numbers of attendance in the US.
Where would I go (what source) to find these figures?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Post or email di-rectly.
Drew McElligott
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