German DVD requests?
Sun, 21 May 2006 22:23:44 -0400
** Apologies for cross-postings **
Hello, all. My colleague, Barton Byg, has asked me to forward the
following message. If you have any questions, please contact Barton
directly at <[log in to unmask]>.
Marty Norden
---------- Forwarded message ----------
I'm following up on a call put out last winter:
As many of you know, Goethe Institute and InterNationes supply German
films in all formats at little or no cost for instructional use. The
central office in Munich is now preparing their long-term plan for DVD
productions with English subtitles and is interested in hearing the
preferences of those who might use these materials in their teaching.
Hiltrud Schulz in our office has volunteered to collect your suggestions
and forward them to Munich.
Of course they are likely to produce DVDs of those films most likely to
be used by many people, but artistic and historical significance is an
argument as well. I'd urge anyone interested to look over the offerings
to see what is already in the New York film depository:
Any information on what is important to our work, and why, is welcomed
by the Goethe Institute. Even if a film is already listed (on 16mm for
instance), there is always the chance the rights will lapse unless there
is a clear wish for DVD transfer.
Please send your film "wish lists" to Hiltrud Schulz at the DEFA Film
Library address below, by June 5.
Many thanks,
Barton Byg
Director, DEFA Film Library
Contact: Hiltrud Schulz
DEFA Film Library / University of Massachusetts
507 Herter Hall / 161 Presidents Drive / Amherst, MA 01003
phone (413) 545-3656 / fax (413) 577-3808
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