Re: marlene
Tue, 19 May 1992 17:20:00 PDT
Hallo Soeren, nice to see you on this list (finally :-) . . .
>> like that make me think twice about going back home.
>I am thinking five minutes on a good reply on this one. Don't come
>up with anything ... Guess that speak for itself. But... Well...
>Don't think it wasn't that serious after all.
Wellyes, I _am_ coming back. It's already booked, as far as the
Lufthansa computer goes. It's just illuminating that my own
country is equally inept as this one (sometimes) at dealing with
the significance of movies, movie stars, movie directors, and
the like.
[Now what did I mean by that?]
In my heart of hearts (that's probably where it is), coherent thoughts
just fail me when I hear a story about demonstrations being held at
the funeral of a movie star who "deserted" "her" "country" in times
of war.
Whose country is it anyway?
(if you are looking for the bilder deepen your ear on the movietone!) FW 062.08
------ Christian Taube -- [log in to unmask] + [log in to unmask] ------
---------------------- Scientific progress goes 'boink'? ----------------------
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