Tue, 8 Dec 1998 23:40:30 -0500
Please forward to all interested parties.
Basil Tsiokos
Program Coordinator
The New Festival
1999 New York Lesbian & Gay Film Festival
Since 1988, The New Festival, Inc. has presented the annual New York
Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, one of the most comprehensive forums of
international lesbian and gay film/video and an important exhibition
platform for independent film/video makers. The festival provides a
professional and public context for the presentation of innovative and
challenging work that reflects the broad range of practice and ideas found
in contemporary media.
Each year, in addition to film/video programs, The New Festival offers
special presentations in which speakers give lectures on a variety of
topics, illustrated by videoclips. Past presenters have been academics,
archivists, authors, filmmakers, and cultural theorists, speaking on such
subjects as: Recent Queer Hong Kong Cinema, The Search for a New Gay
Pornography, Lesbians in Mainstream Television, Gay and Lesbian Images in
TV Advertising, and Alternative Sexualities in Popular Indian Cinema.
The New Festival is currently seeking proposals from persons interested in
presenting videoclip lectures for the upcoming 11th Annual New York
Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, June 3-13, 1999. Presentations should run
between 60-90 minutes, and should be by, about, or of interest to
lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, or transgendered persons. Proposals should
detail both the content of the lecture and the videoclips which will be
The deadline for proposals is February 8, 1999.
Proposals should be mailed, faxed, or emailed to:
The New Festival
ATTN: Special Presentations
47 Great Jones St, 6th Fl
New York, NY 10012
212.254.8655 fax
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Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.