"Charles Derry, Professor of Film, Department of Theatre Arts, Wright State University" <
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Sat, 14 Feb 1998 17:58:38 -0500
An academic point to be sure, but an important one. On every print I have
seen, the title of this film is actually "BLOWUP" [all in capital
letters], not "BLOW-UP" or "Blow-Up" with a hyphen. This may seem like a
minor point, but virtually everywhere the film is made reference to it is
spelled incorrectly. I would contend that the film is ultimately about
things disappearing, distinctions being erased; the "haziness" of modern
art and modern sensibility, in which objects and people disappear into
dots and atoms and abstraction. In this context, that missing hyphen is a
key signifier!
"Only Connect." E. M. Forster
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