wahnsinnige sehnsucht
Thu, 21 Dec 1995 18:39:22 -0500
am searching for info re piece I am doing which cites a novel by Walker Percy
called "Love Among The Ruins" in which midage hero possibly a doctor suffers
from a fictitious neurological illness characterized by attacks of
"wahnsinnige sehnsucht", which Percy improperly but wonderfully translates as
"inexpressible longing." Questions
l) is name of novel correct
2) who is hero and what is profession
3) what is the name of the illness, after its fictitious discoverer
4) what is the correct translation of "wahnsinnige sehnsucht" ?crazy desire.
?insane craving etc
5) is my memory of percy's translation or mistranslation correct?
Many thanks, happy hols HR Greenberg MD endit
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