legal movies
Mon, 29 Jun 1992 09:23:00 EST
For the past 4 years, I have designed, and bought videos for, our
law library's video collection. We are an academic law library,
and for that reason our videos are those with legal themes,
courtroom scenes, attorneys, etc. We have a fairly good-sized
collection - roughly about 120 videos,all available for law
students, faculty and staff to check out free.
So far, I have managed to get almost all of the classic legal
movies (e.g., To Kill a Mockingbird, Inherit the Wind, The
Caine Mutiny), plus alot of more obscure ones (like Ten
Rillington Place and Salt of the Earth), and some that are only
marginally law-related, but fun, like A Fish Called Wanda (it
has a barrister in it...) I have also found that there are
many excellent TV movies on legal themes, so we have several
of those, like QB VII and Fatal Vision.
So, here it is, the beginning of the fiscal year, and I
now have money in my video budget and am ready to start
buying! And I need suggestions! I know that there have been
many great movies lately with legal themes or characters -
Cape Fear and JFK are the two most often suggested -
but I'd really like suggestions on any other movies, mostly
those that aren't as well known (even old movies) and
also TV movies that have legal themes. And these don't
have to be ponderous or stuffy - we also need to buy some
fun ones, since law students should know how to take a
joke before they go out into the Real World....
Thanks for any suggestions !
Chips ahoy!! -- Sally Waters, Stetson Law Library