CFP: The Holocaust on Film for Film & History
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 19:29:13 EST
CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Issue of
"Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and TV Studies"
The difficult and troubling issues raised by the Nazi Holocaust during World
War II have sparked debates among scholars in many different disciplines.
These debates have included the issue of how the Holocaust has been and
should be represented visually. How have filmmakers presented the grim
realities of these events over the past half century?
The interdisciplinary journal "Film and History" seeks submissions for at
least one special issue focused on discussions of visual representations of
the Holocaust. The topic will be approached broadly, with submissions
welcomed on both non-fiction and feature films, as well as historical or
comparative discussions of visual representations of the Holocaust.
Essays might discuss documentary films, such as "Nuremberg" (1946), "Night
and Fog" (1955), "Mein Kampf" (1960), "The Sorrow and the Pity" (1970), "The
of Justice" (1976), "Shoah" (1985), "The Long Way Home" (1997), and "The Last
Days" (1998). Television documentaries have been numerous over the past two
decades, especially since the 1978 NBC mini-series, "Holocaust." Relevant
dramatizations have ranged from Charlie Chaplin's "The Great Dictator" (1940)
to more recent, sometimes controversial, depictions in "Schindler's List"
"Life is Beautiful" (1998), "The Truce" (1998), and "Jacob the Liar" (1999),
many other possibilities in between.
Examples of possible synthetic essays might include the visual treatment of
the Holocaust in specific historical periods (e.g., 1960s), in specific
countries (e.g., East Germany), by specific filmmakers (e.g., Marcel
Ophuls), or even with reference to specific issues (e.g., depiction of
Jews). Historical analyses also might focus on the use of visual evidence
for historical understanding and accuracy, whereas media analyses might
discuss the verification of such visual evidence and the techniques of
"Film & History" has been published quarterly since the establishment of the
Historians Film Committee by John E. O'Conner and Martin A. Jackson in 1970.
This affiliated committee of the American Historical Association encourages
use of film sources in teaching and research through the publication of this
journal and related scholarly activities. Peter Rollins of Oklahoma State
University has edited the journal since 1994. More information on the
journal and its related activities can be found at the website,
Questions about this special issue may be directed to Peter Rollins
([log in to unmask]), or Larry Wilcox ([log in to unmask]).
Please submit manuscripts in Chicago Manual of Style format with endnotes.
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: