CFP: Journal of Film & Video: Television & Performance (6/1/15)
Wed, 4 Feb 2015 17:04:55 -0600
Journal of Film & Video
Special Issue on Television & Performance
Guest Editors: R. Colin Tait & Justin Owen Rawlins
As television studies follows the ever-expanding implications of the ‘small screen,’ the place of the performer in television increasingly demands critical attention. How does performance impact—and how is it impacted by—the shifting landscape of television technology,
production, and exhibition? What is the performer’s agency (or authorship) in television production? How does the scale of television (both in terms of varying screen sizes and hours of content) intersect with acting? What are the implications of performance across televisual genres and taste formations, in places like ‘quality’ dramas, situation comedies, and reality TV? We invite articles that explore the television acting as practice, as business, and as discourse. We are especially interested in articles that address the following:
Acting across varying television genres and taste formations, from ‘quality’ programs to situation comedies and reality TV
Television performance within broadcast, cable, and online distribution and exhibition models
Acting as authorship, labor, agency within television production
Comparative studies of television and film performance, movement between television and film performance
Casting practices
Acting and identity/representation
Implications of television technology for performance
Historical and contemporary reception of television acting
Stardom, celebrity and television performance
Individual vs. Ensemble acting
Television performance and historiography
Television acting and performance studies
Medium/Long form storytelling and acting
Television news, satire, and performance
Transnational labor flows of television acting
The Journal of Film & Video is a blind, peer-reviewed journal published by the University of Illinois Press. All submissions to the JFV should be typed and double-spaced. Articles should be approximately 12-35 typewritten pages in the MLA Style. For more information, visit our website at
Submissions for this special issue should be sent electronically to Stephen Tropiano, editor, to:
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Your name must not appear anywhere on your essay. When submitting your essay, please include in your e-mail the title of your essay and complete contact information (full name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address). If you have any questions, feel free to email Stephen Tropiano, editor, at [log in to unmask] or phone our office at 323-851-6199.
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite