Wed, 10 Apr 91 10:44:19 +0200
This report relates to your message: Re: Finding o...
Your message was not delivered to
[log in to unmask] for the following reason:
Bad Address
***** The following information is directed towards the local administrator
***** and is not intended for the end user
* DR generated in /PRMD=surf/ADMD=400net/C=nl/
* at Tue, 9 Apr 1991 11:47:37 +0200
* Converted to RFC 822 at
* at Wed, 10 Apr 1991 10:44:19 +0200
* Delivery Report Contents:
* Subject-Submission-Identifier: [/PRMD=surf/ADMD=400net/C=nl/;<91E623EAAC7F0043
[log in to unmask]]
* Content-Identifier: Re: Finding o...
* Recipient-Info: [log in to unmask],
* /G=coen/S=cronert/OU=HTO/O=rhy/PRMD=surf/ADMD=400net/C=nl/;
* FAILURE reason Unable-To-Transfer (1);
* diagnostic Unrecognised-ORName (0);
****** End of administration information
The Original Message is not available