noir research
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 14:48:44 -0500
Hi All.
I'm beginning work on a book abt film noir and am wondering if
any of you have suggestions abt particular collections or archives that I
may find useful. I'm thinking of heading for the UCLA film research
archive, where I know I can find restored films such as _Double
Indemnity_ and a generally large collection of films, but I'm having a
hard time (through phone and websites) discovering if there would be
enough of specific interest to warrant the trip. I know UCLA
also houses scripts and press materials in its special collections, but
again, I'm wondering if any of you have more direct experience of the
resources there, or of anywhere else you think might offer good research
material and film collections on the subject of film noir. Thanks very
much in advance.
Julie Grossman
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