[Deadline Extended] Call for Responses: Flow Conference 2012 (8/1/12; 11/1/12-11/3/12)
Thu, 19 Jul 2012 11:34:34 -0700
Call for Responses
FLOW Conference 2012
November 1-3, 2012
The University of Texas at Austin
Deadline for 150-word abstracts: August 1, 2012
Flow Conference 2012 is the 4th biannual conference for FlowTV.org, a University of Texas at Austin graduate student-run, online academic journal focusing on television and media culture.
The 2012 Flow Conference will resemble traditional academic meetings in name only: there will be no panels, no papers, and no plenary sessions. Instead, the event will feature a series of roundtables, each organized around a discussion question on contemporary issues in television/media culture and scholarship. Respondents are asked to submit a brief abstract addressing one of the roundtable questions listed on our conference website: http://www.flowtv.org/conference/.
Some roundtable topics include:
Netflix as Television Producer
Teaching TV
Representation in the Post-Network Era
Anti-Fandom in the Digital Age
Micro Politics in a Digital World
Teaching Comics Studies
Queer Media Studies' Futures
The Deracialization of Global Television Studies
Minority Television Culture and Post-Racial Ideologies
"Management" in Culture Industries
2011-2012's Television Gender Wars
Sports Media and Celebrity
Original Scripted Series and Cable Network (Re)Branding
Please visit the conference website at http://flowtv.org/conference/call-for-responses/ for more details.
We especially encourage responses that address issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, age, and ability, as well as international perspectives.
To submit a response send a 150-word abstract to [log in to unmask] by August 1, 2012. In the subject line of the email, please put the title of the roundtable to which you are responding. Be sure to also include your full name, e-mail address, and affiliation in the body of the e-mail. Please submit a response to only one roundtable topic. However, we imagine that some individuals will have interest in several roundtable discussions and thus difficulty choosing between them. We want to accommodate as many people and their preferences as possible. Therefore, it would be helpful for us to know about those individuals who are willing to participate in another roundtable if too many responses are submitted for their original question.
We will inform participants of acceptance via e-mail by early August. Upon acceptance, respondents will be asked to expand their abstract to a 600-800 word position paper, due in October 2012.
In an effort to include a wide range of participants (i.e., scholars, fans, critics, activists, policymakers, industry professionals, etc.), we encourage wide distribution of this call.
If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at [log in to unmask]
Flow Conference 2012 Organizing Committee
Department of Radio-Television-Film
University of Texas at Austin
[log in to unmask]
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite