Hitchcock and Schopenhauer (who? why?)
Fri, 21 Mar 2003 11:56:52 +1100
Something like a complete resume of what can be adduced for a
'Schopenhauerian' reading of Hitchcock's films (in preference, I might
add, to readings that use Lacan, Derrida, De Man, et al. as a 'way into'
these films - if only because 'it all goes back to Kant', and
Schopenhauer got in first in reckoning the FUNDAMENTAL significance of
Kant's findings) recently occupied the "Editor's Day" part of the Alfred
Hitchcock Scholars/'MacGuffin' website.
That resume has now been shifted to the 'About Arthur Schopenhauer' page
on the same site.
Also relevant is the site's essay on "The Universal Hitchcock: THE
TROUBLE WITH HARRY". Author of the award-winning book, 'Hitchcock au
travail' (translated into English as 'Hitchcock at Work'), Bill Krohn,
recently described that essay as 'the best I've read on this film'.
Meanwhile, "Editor's Day" rolls on with more relevant stuff, currently
about the VERTIGO-like episode of 'The Alfred Hitchcock Hour' called
"Beyond the Sea of Death". That's on the site's News & Comment (Home)
Thanks for reading this - Ken Mogg (Ed., 'The MacGuffin').
Website: http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~muffin
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