New THE MOVING IMAGE journal out now!
Fri, 25 Mar 2011 15:54:01 -0400
Announcing the publication of *The Moving Image *journal 10.2 (University of
Minnesota Press)
*Subscription Information:*
Individual subscriptions $30/year, Library
Subscriptions $75/year. Free with
Association of Moving Image Archivist membership.
Marsha Orgeron, Co-editor & Associate Professor, Film Studies, NCSU,
919-515-4149, [log in to unmask]
Devin Orgeron, Co-editor & Associate Professor, Film Studies, NCSU,
919-515-4138, [log in to unmask]
Teri Tynes, Managing Editor, [log in to unmask]
*Special Features/Contents:*
*The Moving Image* 10.2 covers a range of topics revolving around moving
image archive holdings. Features include *Travis Vogan* on the NFL Films
Archive, the first scholarly essay published about this influential moving
image collection; *Greg Wilsbacher* on Al Brick’s forgotten legacy filming
the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; *Kathryn Cramer Brownell *on the role
16mm film played in the WWII War Bond Campaign; *Leo Enticknap* on a
recently discovered British documentary about the coal industry, *The
Blackhill Campaign*; and *Nina Rao* on ethics and the moving image archive.
The Forum section includes a substantive interview with educational
filmmaker and FX guru *Tom Smith* by *Amanda Keeler*, and a delightful tale
of film history detective work in pursuit of *Karl Brown* by recent honorary
Oscar-winner, *Kevin Brownlow*.
*The Moving Image* is a peer-reviewed journal that explores topics relevant
to both the media archivist and the media scholar. *The Moving Image* deals
with crucial issues surrounding the preservation, archiving, and restoration
of film, video, and digital moving images. The journal features detailed
profiles of moving image collections; interpretive and historical essays
about archival materials; articles on archival description, appraisal, and
access; behind-the-scenes looks at the techniques used to preserve, restore,
and digitize moving images; and theoretical articles on the future of the
field. Not simply a journal for archivists, *The Moving Image* has unique
relevance for scholars who rely upon archives, both physical and electronic,
for their scholarship and teaching. We welcome submissions on these and
other film and media history topics, especially those that that illuminate
the value of archives or that utilize underappreciated archival sources. *The
Moving Image* is the journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists,
and is published twice a year in spring and fall.
Best regards,
Dennis Doros
AMIA Press Office
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