Announcing: Guide to Film and Video Resources on the Internet
Sun, 19 Dec 1993 10:57:41 -0500
This message is being cross-posted to several listservs,
and to many USENET news groups. Please excuse any
A few weeks back we posted requests to several listservs
and news groups regarding film and video resources on the
Internet. We received many helpful replies for which we are
extremely thankful! Our guide, _Film and Video Resources
on the Internet_, is now complete and includes information
on many resources such as listservs and USENET news groups
on topics related to film and video, as well as film review
databases, filmographies, etc.
Our intention in compiling this guide was to locate as
many resources as possible in the subject area of film and
video which are available on the Internet. While it is not a
definitive source, it is a good place to start if you are looking
for information about film and video. We intend to maintain
this guide as an ongoing project and would encourage any
comments you have.
The guide is now available but since it is 72K we chose
not to post it on the listservs and news groups. While we will
be happy to send a copy (absolutely free) through e-mail to
anyone interested, we wanted to warn everyone that it is a
very big file and that people are better off accessing it in the
following ways:
anonymous FTP:
path: /inetdirsstacks
via U. Minnesota list of gophers
menu: North America/USA/Michigan
Gopher .link file:
Name=Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides (UMich)
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for WWW/Mosaic: or
_Film and Video Resources on the Internet_ was created
during the fall semester, 1993 at the School of Information and
Library Studies. It is the final project for the course ILS 606
Internet: Resource Discovery and Organization. This guide and
numerous other subject -oriented Internet resource guides are
available from the Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented
Internet Resource Guides using the methods described above.
Once again, thank you to everyone who provided information
and assistance with our guide. If you have any questions about the
guide, please feel free to send us a message.
Thank you,
Lisa R. Wood and Kristen Garlock
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Lisa R. Wood School of Information and Library Studies
[log in to unmask] University of Michigan
(313) 763-1614 Ann Arbor, MI USA 48109