Wed, 5 Apr 1995 16:00:21 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
JOURNAL OF FILM AND VIDEO seeks manuscripts on the following themes:
1) FILM/VIDEO PRODUCTION: Case studies and essays on any aspect of
film/video production (including student films) are solicited.
Some possible topics might be:
a. independent productions
b. production histories of important fiction, documentary, and
experimental films/videos
c. awards and the film/video festival circuit
d. innovative budgetary ideas
e. acting in student and low-budget film/videos
f. creative application of film techniques to video (and vice-versa)
g. music videos
h. sponsored films and corporate videos
i. teaching techniques and steategies
J. interviews with filmmakers, cinematographers, editors, composers,
and other key production personnel
k. the emerging role of women and minorities in film/video production
2) SCREENMRITING: Case studies and essays on any aspect of
film/video screenwriting (including student scripts) are solicited.
Some possible topics are:
a. dramatic/comedic structure
b. the short film script
c. writing the training or educational film
d. computer programs for screenwriters
e. adaptation
f. writing music videos
g. theory and practice of screenwriting
h. pedagogical techniques and strategies for teaching screenwriting
i. interviews with screenwriters
The Journal of F & V is interested in any essays on topics related to
film and video---book reviews, course files, video/film artists and
so on.
Send 3 copies of your essays (double-spaced, anonymous, MLA style) to:
Frank P. Tomasulo, Editor
Journal of Film and Video
Dept. of Communication
Georgia state Univ.
Atlanta, GA 30303