CFP: Film Dialogue and Genre (10/5/2007; collection)
Fri, 3 Aug 2007 13:16:39 -0500
I am soliciting proposals for the first book-length study of the intersections of dialogue
and genre in film studies. The book will be divided into four sections:
1. Dialogue and Genre – Essays will extend Sarah Kozloff’s foundational scholarship in
Overhearing Film Dialogue (UC Press 2000) through examinations of dialogue patterns in
genres not addressed in her study, especially: film noir, horror, romantic comedy,
science fiction, fantasy, action/adventure, epics, war, sports films, and musicals.
2. Multi-genre Dialogue / Dialogue Without Genre – Essays will address dialogue patterns
that span several genres; alternatively, essays will argue for instances of film dialogue
that defy established definitions of genre and/or constitute their own genre.
3. Dialogue, Genre, and Representation – Essays will theorize and provide historical
overviews of the intersections of genre and representation in film in the context of
dialogue. Essays might concentrate on groups defined in terms of race, ethnicity,
nationality, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, sexuality, and other identity markers
not listed above.
4. Teaching Genre Through Dialogue / Teaching Dialogue Through Genre – Essays will
offer innovative pedagogical models that facilitate the study of film dialogue and genre in
the classroom.
Please send a 250-word abstract, c.v., and 100-word bio to Jeff Jaeckle (Michigan State
University): [log in to unmask] by October 5th 2007.
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