Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities - television and radio studies issue
Mon, 27 Jun 2016 07:43:37 +0200
Call for Papers
Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities
Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring 2017)
Television and Radio Studies
For the upcoming issue of *Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities*, double
blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Palacký University in
Olomouc, Czech Republic, we are looking for high-quality articles in the
fields of *television and radio studies*. Particularly welcome are
contributions covering one or more of the following topics:
- tv and radio audiences
- communities and fandom
- production studies
- media convergence
- aesthetics of film and radio programs
- global formats in local contexts
We also accept related book reviews, conference reports and other shorter
Please send your manuscript by *15 October 2016* to *[log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>*. The articles (in English only) are expected to be
5,000 – 8,000 words (including footnotes). Texts already published or
accepted for publication in other journals or books will not be accepted by
the editorial board.
Submitted texts should be written in one of common text editors (doc, docx,
rtf, odt), in the Times New Roman 12 font, line spacing 1.5; pictures and
figures should be submitted separately in formats as jpg, tif, eps, and
gif. The CSJH follows the Chicago Style Manual. The basic style guidelines
can be found here
The text of the article should be accompanied by an abstract in English of
some 10 lines (maximum 100 words), with three to ten keywords in English in
alphabetical order, and by author’s affiliation, including his or her
current work address and e-mail contact.
The journal will be published in print in *April 2017*.
About the journal:Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities
ISSN: 1805-3742
Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities (CSJH) is a peer-reviewed scholarly
journal established in 2011 at Palacký University, one of the oldest
Central European universities. The journal is dedicated to various
important fields of the humanities: history, philosophy, the visual arts,
theatre and film (including TV and radio), music, and cultural
anthropology. The journal is intended as a dialogue between the finest
Czech and Slovak research and research abroad and as a forum where
innovative approaches and current topics as well as local themes and
previously neglected research are discussed. CSJH is open to Czech, Slovak
and international scholars and guarantees a fair and accurate reviewing
process. In order to reach an international readership, CSJH publishes the
majority of its texts in English. Scholarly papers are always welcome, as
well as book or conference reviews, announcements, research projects,
reports and other kinds of academic-related matters. CSJH is now indexed in
EBSCO. The journal is published three times a year in the following
sequence: Philosophica; Historica; Historica artium; Theatralia et
cinematographica; Musicologica; Anthropologica culturalia.
*Mgr. Milan Hain, Ph.D.*
Katedra divadelních a filmových studií, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Department of Theater and Film Studies, Palacky University Olomouc
Univerzitní 3, 771 80 Olomouc /
*E-mail:* [log in to unmask] / [log in to unmask]
*GSM: * +420 607 882 245
*Skype: *milan.hain
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