Re: El Topo
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 20:00:18 -0500
I know a store nearby that has a copy for rent. I think the company that
put it out was Luminescense Film & Video Wurks, but I'd have to check to
be certain. Anyway, you might want to try there.
Scott Andrew Hutchins
Oz, Monsters, Kamillions, and More!
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and
you know it."--K, Barry Sonnenfeld's _Men in Black_.
"The reason most folk songs are so atrocious is because they were written
by THE PEOPLE."--Tom Lehrer
On Tue, 20 Apr 1999, Jennifer H. Miller wrote:
> Can someone suggest a venue where I can
> acquire a copy of the film, *El Topo*.
> Iwould like to own a copy in VHS.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jennifer H. Miller
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