Again, to all who will listen:
We *do* need to think of those dead children from that orphanage, the ones
from THE DYING ROOM. BUt to re-iterate: to publicize this film in *any*
way will get back to the Chinese, and that, in the words of a poet, will
"make more dead," and kids like mine will be dead in other orphanages and
never have a life. Anywhere.
Also, there are *lots* or orphanages all over CHina that are great! Our
daughter comes from Jiangmen City, in Guangdong Provice, near GuanZhou, in
southern most mainland China. We were fortunate enough to obtain a
videotape of her and many other children there *before* we were given leave
to get her home to the USA. She has been well taken care of. Yes, she's
delayed, developmentally, but children without lots of individual attention
tend to be. But she was well fed, cared for, and attended to while we
waited to become her parents. China is so quickly judged for that one
orphanage, and it should not be.
Then again, the atrocity did happen, and we want to prevent it from
happening again. Let's make no more dead.
Donna Harrington Kenny
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