International Documentary Association
Fri, 15 May 1998 10:42:45 CDT
International Documentary Association
- David L. Wolper Student Documentary Achivement Award.
Films and videos must be produced by registered
matriculating students and completed after January 1, 1997.
Submissions must be postmarked by June 15, 1998.
Any film or video format is eligible. For initial judging,
1/2" NTSC format is preferred. English language transcripts must
accompany non-English entries. Merit winners for final judging may be
asked to submit entries in the original format.
Entry Fee
A $30.00 entry fee must accompany all entries. All checks/ money
orders must be drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S funds, payable to IDA/
David. L Wolper Student Awards. Visa and Master payments are also
Submission requirements
Ship cassettes, along with the completed application form, entry fee
and synopsis to the address on the entry form. All entries must be
shipped prepaid, including any international duties or customs fees.
Entry forms may be reproduced as needed and are available on IDA's
For more inpormation, please contacts:
IDA/ David. L Wolper Student Awards
1551 South Robertson Blvd., Suite 201
Los Angeles, California 90035-4257
Tel (310) 284-8422
Fax (310) 785-9334
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.