CFP: Spectator "Television Connectivity" - Due 11/20/13
Mon, 12 Aug 2013 16:09:48 -0700
*Spectator *
Call for Papers
“Television Connectivity”
*Volume and Date of Issue: 34.2 Fall 2014
Deadline for Submission: November 20, 2013*
This issue of *Spectator *seeks to incorporate papers that explore new
forms, theories, and practices of television connectivity. There are many
ways in which television has historically been theorized through
connectivity. Television was thought to bring people together, whether it
was members of a family coming together to watch television in the living
room, a nation coming together to watch the landing on the moon, or viewers
around the globe coming together to watch the Olympic games. Viewers have
also been theorized to uniquely connect to or identify with television
characters and programs as a result of television’s intimate placement in
the home and the longevity of certain television forms. And, Raymond
Williams theorized a form of connectivity in his foundational concept of
flow, when he saw television as comprising strategies that transformed
diverse programming elements into a seamless whole. Since the advent of new
digital technologies, however, television is more and more frequently being
discussed in relation to the fragmentation, dispersal, and
individualization of audiences, viewing practices, and programming.
Nevertheless, television producers and programmers as well as technologists
are devising a variety of strategies meant to encourage both old and new
forms of television viewing practices that change our understanding of
television in relation to connectivity. Whether it is twitter
live-streaming, second screen story synch options, or interactive
communities around a web series on YouTube, new forms of television are
offering audiences a way to engage with traditional television texts while
connected to other devices, people, and content.
This issue will focus on papers that draw attention to new forms of
television that encourage cross-platform connectivity or challenge
established theoretical understandings of television connectivity. In
particular it seeks papers that examine products or services that
supplement or enhance the television experience by integrating Internet
access, game play, and/or social networking. However, it welcomes papers
addressing television connectivity through industrial analysis, textual
analysis, and audience or cultural studies, including theoretical
investigations of television as an artistic medium or institution.
Papers should interrogate how certain technologies or platforms enable
specific forms of connectivity around television shows, series, or
characters? How are newer technologies and platforms transforming the
relationship of viewers to television content, television producers, and
access? How do producers or programmers try to bring together disparate
audiences or niches around a show or network? On what terms and in which
ways do audiences connect through television? How will changes in the
industrial landscape (regulatory policies, media ownership, and digital
innovations) have an impact on television viewing? What are the potential
implications of these trends for viewers, producers, and supporting
institutions and what do they indicate about the direction the industry is
*Deadline for Submission: November 20, 2013*
*Spectator* is a biannual publication and submissions that address the
relationship between television and connectivity are now invited for
submission. Potential topics in the fields of media industry studies,
television studies, cultural studies, new media theory, participatory
culture, and production studies may include, but are not limited to:
*Television Theory*
Imagined communities
Intimacy & Immediacy
*Second Screen Content*
Narrative, Representation, & Audience Address
Apps and Websites
Games and Play
Forms of interactivity
*Networked Televisions and Consoles*
Technologies & Platforms
Data-mining & Surveillance
Interfaces & Control
*Viewer Practices*
Social Networking
Community Viewing
*Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be sent to:
ATTN: Taylor Nygaard
University of Southern California
School of Cinematic Arts
Critical Studies
900 W 34th St.
SCA, Room 320
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: (240) 888-5081
One copy of manuscript should be submitted as well as a copy on disk.
Submissions can also be e-mailed directly. Manuscripts should include the
title of the contribution and the name (s) of authors. As well as the
postal address, e-mail address, and phone numbers for author who will work
with the editor on any revisions. All pages should be numbered
consecutively. *Contributions should not be more than 5,000 words.* They
should also include a brief abstract for publicity. Authors should also
include a brief biographic entry. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned.
Articles submitted to the Spectator should not be under consideration by
any other journal.
Book Reviews may vary in length from 300 to 1,000 words. Please include
title of book, retail price and ISBN at the beginning of the review.
Forum or Additional Section contributions can include works on new archival
or research facilities or methods as well as other relevant works related
to the field.
Electronic Submissions and Formatting. Authors should send copies of their
work via e-mail as electronic attachments. Please keep backup files of all
disks. Files should be Microsoft Word in PC or Mac format, depending on the
editor's preference. Endnotes should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style.
Upon acceptance, a format guideline will be forwarded to all contributors
as to image and text requirements.
*Current Board for Spectator*
Founding Editor
Marsha Kinder
Managing Editor
William Whittington
Issue Editor
Taylor Nygaard
To be determined
Subscription Information
Individual issues cost $10.00. Institutional rate for US and Canada is
$30.00 USD. All others $40.00 USD. Please contact the subscription editor
for bulk discounts. To order a subscription, please send $15.00* for the
current volume year to:
University of Southern California
School of Cinematic Arts
Critical Studies
SCA, Room 320
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Attn: Spectator Subscription
Tel: (213) 740-3334
Fax: (213) 740-9471
*If you subscribe now, you will receive one back issue free (based on
availability). For additional back issues, contact subscription manager
and include $12.00 per issue.
Email: [log in to unmask]
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