Re: Cruisin to an Interview
Mon, 14 Nov 1994 22:13:19 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Re: Cruisin to an Interview
I didn't mind Tom Cruise's performance as much as i minded the whole film.
i found it incredibly, unspeakably boring. about midway through, my friends
and i began to think of quips to make the time pass more quickly; the best one
we came up with was, "Lestat, c'est moi." I thought the "opera" vampire scenes
looked like something out of the tv commercial for the national tour of the
broadway play "Cats." my little coterie concluded that we knew after the first
ten minutes that the general theme of the film would be something like: It's
so hard to be a vampire. yawn. i must admit that i found Coppola's Dracula
more appealing. prior to seeing the film, i had caught wind of a rumor that it
was incredibly violent, and that oprah winfrey (avatar of taste???) had walked
out within the first ten mintues. but we found the special effects--especially
those intended to be chilling--ultimately bloodless. i'm with
the NPR reviewer on this one, not Ms. Maslin.
Gayle Wald
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