"Coming Attractions" at the SWPCA/ACA meeting in Albuquerque, 9-12 February
Sun, 2 Jan 2005 18:11:36 EST
The Southwest PCA/ACA meeting will have many highlights and special events,
a few of which are mentioned on the web site as "Coming Attractions."
Three session will be of special interest to those in visual studies:
--a lecture on photography by Krista Erlick, stressing the visual
of New Mexico in historic and contemporary photography.
--a "debate" between Robert B. Toplin and Glenn Harris concerrning
the "radical" nature of the "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner."
Was the film a breakthough production or was it merely skimming
the top off a peak in liberal eudeminism?
--a session to "meet the editors" with representatives from
Film&History, Literature/Film Quarterly, and Quarterly
Review of Film Studies, the Journal of Popular Culture,
and PostScript
Be there!
Peter C. Rollins
Founder and Chairman of the Board
Popular Culture Center
Rt 3 Box 80
Cleveland, Oklahoma 74020
(918)243-7637 and fax 5995
[log in to unmask] http://www.swtexaspca.org/ www.h-net.org/~swpca
The regional meeting for 2005 will take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico,
a favored site for our gatherings. The events will run between February 9-12,
2005 at the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque (330 Tijera; 505.842.1234) We have gone
to the downtown area of the city where a massive refurbishing has brought in
shopping and dining opportunities of quality. We are excited about the special
hotel rates negotiated by our new leaders. There is even a special graduate
student rate. (See details on web site.)
Organization's Web site with lots of data is below: http://www.swtexaspca.org/
Now that I am now emeritus, the best contacts for Southwest/Texas Regional
business are:
Philip Heldrich, Dept. of English, Emporia State University, KS
[log in to unmask]
Ken Dvorak, Distance Learning, San Jacinto College District, Houston, TX
[log in to unmask]
Both of these young scholars are at your service.
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